Celestial solo exhibition by Tanya Varga
For the theme of this exhibition, Tanya has created various works relating to celestial bodies and phenomenon. Tanya has a strong fascination with science, astronomy and science fiction. With these passions intertwined, comes a new series of work that promises to lift the spirits into the outer sphreres of beauty and wonderment.
Tanya Varga (formerly Tanya Wheeler) is a freelance digital and traditional media artist living in San Jose, California. She attended the Academy of Art University in San Francisco where she studied 2D illustration/animation and advertising.
Having worked for years with traditional mediums, such as oil and charcoal, she eventually discovered digital painting and has loved it ever since. Unlike with traditional painting, however, she is completely self-taught. She has advanced her skills with a lot of hard work, experimentation and practice. She is also currently working as a freelance graphics designer, concept…
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